Myrtle Beach

Online Ad Rates

Updated 3/2019

Online Ad Rates

Our social media posts has a reach of over 200,000 a month!

We will provide the following services to make sure your ads will get the exposure where people will be looking.

What we will do for you if you signup:

  • Post an ad for your business every 3 days on our social media sites.
  • Design graphic advertisements for the posts.
  • List your business, events and coupons on our mobile app.
  • Include events and promotions for your business.
  • Contact you if we need content or info for advertising, answer
    questions, and collaborate with you about how to promote yourself.

Our current online ad rate:

12 months  – $2000

You would be labeled as a “Top Pick” Business!

Interested? Contact us at:

Or call 843-580-2291